Laptop Keyboard not working?

The F key comes first, followed by the R key. Your whole laptop keyboard—and you—have ceased functioning before you realize it. This is aggravating, but it may also be tough to resolve unless you understand what’s causing the problem.

If your laptop keypad is damaged, follow these instructions to get it working again so you may resume typing without interruption.

What’s wrong with my laptop keyboard?

You might be experiencing problems with your Keyboard for various reasons, ranging from equipment failures to software difficulties. However, you can usually reduce it down to a few typical laptop repair issues, such as:


A driver problem might be causing your Keyboard to be unresponsive. If you previously connected a different keyboard, the driver for that Keyboard may be interfering with and deactivating your present Keyboard.


Your Keyboard may be unresponsive because the ribbon or connection connecting your Keyboard to your laptop’s motherboard has gotten loose, damaged, or broken.


Have you forgotten when you last cleaned your Keyboard? Dirt in or around certain keys might cause them to stay, jam, or cease operating.


When you hit a key once and display numerous times on your screen, your settings may have been modified or updated erroneously, resulting in multiple entries per keystroke.

How to Replace the Keyboard on Your Laptop?

Once you’ve confirmed that your laptop’s Keyboard isn’t functioning, there are a few options for getting it up and running again. You should first determine if a software/hardware issue obstructs your keystrokes.

Their appearance and feel may diagnose the majority of hardware problems. Is your computer keyboard filthy? Do you find it difficult to push specific keys because they are sticky? Is the T hanging on by a thread? If that’s the case, these are the best solutions to repair the hardware on your laptop:\


Using a soft cloth and compressed air, clean any buildup or grime on your Keyboard. Dust may also be removed by gently shaking your laptop over down. However, be sure you disconnect and switch off your laptop first


If your laptop battery is removable, remove it and connect your computer to the charger instead. Because the battery is positioned right under the keys, it may sometimes create keyboard issues, particularly when your notebook battery is overheated.


This is a tough issue if your Keyboard has lost communication with your laptop’s motherboard or has been damaged. We suggest taking your laptop to a professional for a speedy repair rather than attempting to repair it yourself.

If there is no visible dirt or damage, your laptop may have a software problem. Here are some professional recommendations:


Are you having problems with your HP® or Dell® laptop keyboard? For various reasons, including third-party software or a power problem, your device drivers may be misbehaving. To test whether your Keyboard is fixed, uninstall and reinstall the drivers. It’s straightforward:

How to update keyboard settings on a PC running Windows 10:

1.       Search for “Device management” using the Windows key.

2.       Right-click on a keyboard listed and choose Update Driver after clicking the arrow next to Keyboards.

3.       Select automatically search for new driver software.

4.       Select Update Driver.


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